You can order Seinemeyer CDs at the following places: has several Seinemeyer CDs listed:
Barnes and Noble offers the 4-CD Preiser set.
Norbeck and Peters. Highly recommended! You can buy the 4-CD Preiser set from them, much less expensively than at Amazon.
There is a new Seinemeyer CD from the Hamburger Archiv für Gesangskunst. It can be ordered from their website.
Dutton's new Seinemeyer CD can be ordered from their website
The LP set "A Tribute to Dr. Frieder Weissmann" has been re-issued on CD with additional material, including a recorded interview with Weissmann. You can order it here. He talks, very briefly, about Seinemeyer; at least, I think it's Seinemeyer. Unfortunately, the interviewer's questions have been edited out. Weissmann mentions a soprano who died very young, who sang in Berlin and Dresden, and also in the U.S. I can't think of anyone else who fits the description. But he never mentions the fact that he was married to her, even for so short a time, and he says that she was 28 when she died, when, in fact, she was 33.
There is a new Seinemeyer CD available from Haenssler Classics.
I have no connection with any of these companies, other than as a very satisfied customer.
Other suggestions? Please e-mail me.
See the discography for details on which recordings are included on these CDs.
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Copyright 2002 Vicki Kondelik.